Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 36

Today was a fun day!

First up were French Almond Macaroons.  These are lovely, light little tasties made from a meringue mixture, baked and filled with jam to make a sandwich.  Since we use baker's jam (some silly mixture made to withstand high temperatures), they are exceedingly sweet.  I think I'd probably make my own jam in the future.

I filled mine with raspberry jam... They were a big hit at home!

We also made Madelines, a spongy cookie that need chocolate or something...otherwise they're pretty plain.

My favorite though??  Fortune cookies!  They're exceedingly fun to make in a pain-in-the-ass sort of way. :-)

You start by spreading the batter onto a Sil-Pat (a silicone mat) using a round stencil

Unfortunately I have to work with them too quickly once they're baked to take a picture, but this is what they look like, only darker

Once they're baked, they get folded while they're still VERY hot (if they cool for more than 30 seconds, they're impossible to fold) and put in these little cups to cool completely

This was before I'd gotten the hang of folding them, lol. 

These were an amazingly tasty little cookie with ginger and lemon.  They don't taste like a typical fortune cookie.  This is DEFINITELY something I will make again!

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